All-Star Hotties Tournament II

Voting Tidbits

Voting Tidbits
Tournament Staff

  • Don't vote based on personality. This tournament is strictly based on looks, and looks alone. Also, this is not a popularity contest. You might notice some names that you have never heard of seeded above names that everybody has heard of. Popularity means nothing in this tournament, because it is all about looks. So again, vote based on looks, and looks only.
  • Remember to visit the links for each hottie before voting, so you can see photos of them. Using your memory to remember what they look like (if you have seen them before) is not a good idea.
  • When voting, vote in every matchup.
  • Only one vote is allowed per voting round, so vote wisely.
  • In case of a tie, the higher seed wins the tiebreaker. In the championship, however, the hottie with the most total tournament votes wins the tiebreaker.
  • Refer as much of your friends to this tournament as you can. The more voters, the better!